January 2013 - CruncHer

Whats the significance of your derby name and number? I had a really hard time picking a name and skated for months without one. I'm an Accountant and I settled on the name NumbHer CruncHer for my first bout with…


May 2011 - Method of Madness

Method of Madness #34 What's the significance of your derby name and number? [MM] I look like i don't know what i'm doing but it's only a ploy! there's a method to my madness. also, i was always number 32…


May 2011 - Mona Agony

What's the significance of your derby name and number? [MA] Mine's just a name. :)  I thought for sure I'd be a blocker when I started playing so wanted something that sounded a little tough, but not too un-namelike. How did…


April 2011 - Muffstache

What's the significance of your derby name and number? [M] I'm pretty sure beer, the Maui roller Girls and Wokstar had something to do with the name. The number is 100 minus my birth year like they do for part of…


March 2011 - Selma Soul

What's the significance of your derby name and number? [SS] Elle Incarnate came up with the name and I love that I could sell my soul to play derby. How did you get started playing roller derby? [SS] With PFM…


February 2011 - Leeloo

What's the significance of your derby name and number? [L] It's lost significance over time and just become my name.  After generating about 40 possible "clever" names I decided to be simple about it. Leeloo in the 5th Element was…


January 2011 - Fighty Almighty

What's the significance of your derby name and number? (Fighty Almighty #KO) [FA] – I was the original Ruby Bruiseday but my love of Greek mythology out won my love of the Stones.  I settled on Fighty Aphrodite but an…
