By Jim Almy
When Grave Danger’s jammer Carmen Getsome (#12) skated up behind Sockit Wenches’ jammer Short Fuse (#11) during last Saturday night’s bout between their two Rat City Rollergirls teams, there was already a history between those opposing players.
They had become friends a few years back and Getsome had invited Fuse to try out for roller derby.
Friendship isn’t part of the action during a bout though, and Getsome hip-checked Fuse hard, sending her sprawling out of bounds far enough to push the barrier cushions ten feet out of place.
Players call such hits “love taps” but people in the stands thought they’d just witnessed a collision between a semi and a mini. Breath was held until Fuse bounced up and was back on the track within seconds.
“I’m cool with that,” she said. “That’s good. It’s part of the game, but you know when you’re flying through the air that it’s going to hurt.”
After the bout, Danger players voted Fuse the “Most Valuable Player” from the opposing team, the Sockit Wenches.

“They said I gave 100 percent and was really fighting for the whole bout,” Fuse said. “They were talking to me during the bout, saying they weren’t going to give me anything. They made me earn every point.” She tallied 37 of her team’s 133 total.
When not in uniform, Fuse is more commonly known as Rachel Schmauder. She is a college student working towards a degree in physical therapy with a couple years left in her program. While attending school she also works part-time in a physical therapy office.
Her sport for years while growing up was soccer, but a torn ACL took her off the pitch and she still wears a knee brace most of the time. She began roller derby three years ago, spending two years in junior league on the I-5 Roller Girls. This is her first year in the bigs and with the Wenches.
She has mostly been a jammer, noting that working hard on her speed and agility has paid off in that position.
Her family is from Everett, where she was raised. “My mom bought season tickets in the front row next to the floor,” Fuse said. “It’s great to look over and see my mom cheering me on.”
Commenting on last week’s loss to Danger, Fuse said that it was a fast-paced game. She noted that her team really pushed themselves in the low scoring first half. “We maybe lost a little bit in the second half, got into penalty trouble, let them have too many power jams.”
“We’re still learning, still improving,” she added.
As far as Grave Danger is concerned, Short Fuse is learning well.
For tickets to the next bout at KeyArena, go HERE