Seattle's Rat City Rollergirls are headed to WFTDA Championships!

We’re going to Champs!

After being thwarted for five years Seattle’s Rat City Rollergirls All-Star Team has succeeded in securing a bid and are making their triumphant return to WFTDA International Championships

The Rat City Rollergirls (RCRG) is Seattle’s premiere all-female, flat-track roller derby league comprised of about 80 active skaters and countless alumni, retired skaters, and volunteers who help run our 100% member owned and operated league.

The Rat City All-Stars consist of twenty of the league’s top skaters who commit innumerable hours training to represent RCRG at the highest level of play. The All-Star team competes in WFTDA sanctioned games for international ranking. After a hard fought season and a battle at Division 1 Playoffs in Salem,OR we’re headed to Milwaukee, WI in our the Hunt for the Hydra – the WFTDA Championship Trophy!

We need your help to get there!

Sending 20 athletes across the country for a three day tournament is expensive! Being 100% Member owned and operated means that we pay to play – fundraising will help offset the cost to our athletes. In addition to helping some fantastic women and incredible athletes fulfill their hard-earned dreams of being Champions we’re offering some pretty awesome perks as part if the campaign, including:

  • Limited edition T-Shirt so everyone will know you helped RCRG on their Hunt for the Hydra!
  • VIP Status at our Champs viewing party!
  • A Special Post – Champs celebration with our All-Stars!

Spread the Word!

We can’t pony up $2500 by ourselves so why should we expect you? Tell your friends! Get matching shirts! Invite them join you at the viewing party! Share our campaign on social media! Many hands (or wallets) make light work!

