With less than a week before the first Season 7 league-play bouts, your intrepid Rat City reporters talked with members of all four home teams to get a sense of how they’ve been getting ready for the 2011 season. Grave Danger’s ReAnimateHer took a few minutes to tell RCRG fans what Everyone’s Worst Nightmare has been up to lately. Grave Danger plays the Derby Liberation Front in the early bout of our March 19 doubleheader. Get your tickets now!
In 2011 Grave Danger, as usual, is out for blood. And we put the work behind it. We have high expectations of each other and ourselves. We keep each other accountable and maintain higher standards, both for practice attendance and off skates workouts. Never ones to complain, the team consistently meets these standards and then some. It’s been said that we are the fittest team on Rat City, and we humbly agree.

When we pick up new teamates, it’s more that just skating skill that we want, we look for skaters who can really become another piece of our talented puzzle, both on and off the track. We are so lucky to have a balance of women who are aggressive, smart, patient, and team players! Our roster season is a derby coach’s dream. Grave Danger prides itself on having utility players, skaters who can play offense, defense, jam, and sometimes all at once! Every player contributes something whether it be hard hits, scoring points, on track teamwork, and of course, doing their part for the less-glamourous side of derby– the spreadsheets and conference calls.
We don’t call our new skaters ‘fresh meat’– we immediately call them teammates! In the pre-season, Danger picked up Stella Borracha and Tempura Tantrum. Stella has amazing speed and jammer agility and Tem is excelling at pack play, with top-notch communication and awareness, all while taking out jammers with solid hits. From the Rat Lab, we’ve drafted Dee Cap Attack and very recently Ponyboi Hurtis. Dee Cap has really become a utility player– she jams and blocks, and we’re excited to develop Ponyboi into another piece of the puzzle. Additionally, former Windy City Roller Loco Chanel is Grave Danger’s most recent transfer, and she has blended with our team so quickly, we swear that she has been here for years!! Thanks WCR, we will continue to enjoy her derby intelligence, and positivity! Oh and big hits!
Injury is a part of derby, but aside from all of our bumps and bruises, our teammate Mona Agony out on injury for most of the season. However, she’s become an amazing assistant coach during practice and on the bench during games… teamates like that are priceless!

The 2011 season has awoken some evil stars of the track like Muffstache, Shorty Ounce, and Nikole Plated! Our team has so many strengths, but fundamentally it comes down to each of our individual skater’s effort to be her best, then we put it all together for our shared goal of success. We are also so proud of the fans that come out to every game, fill our sections of the stands, and cheer for us! We know our fans can see from their seats just how much we value our teamwork, and we appreciate them and their big bloody sparkly signs!
Grave Danger has an upcoming BINGO night at the Rendezvous in Belltown on March 26, so please support and hang with your favorite undead team. We also lead the league in new and fun merchandise, now having die-cut GD car air freshners, and white baseball tees with the coffin logo, so check it out at the March 19 game!