Make no mistake, Derby Liberation Front is coming out swinging – figuratively, of course, but that doesn’t mean we’ll be gentle. From back-to-back season champions to the league’s underdog, we’ve seen it all, and we’re back to show you what revolution is all about. Somewhere between a bloodless coup and out-and-out guerilla warfare, we’ve rediscovered the magic combination of teamwork, off-skates training, and the on-skates ass-kicking you know and love.
You’ll also notice a lot of new faces on the track. This year’s rookies are Annie Warhead, AviHater, Lucinda Pack, Rumble Fist, and Seditious Heart, and all have proven their worth from the start. Rumble has crazy derby instincts and an innate ability to play with her team. Sid and Lucy have a fire inside of them and there’s no end to their intensity and aggression. Warhead and Hater bring speed and determination to their game, and their learning curves shows no signs of leveling off. Keep an eye out on these women during this season. You WILL be impressed.
We’re ready for this season. We hope you are. Never underestimate the power of the revolution. Stay tuned for DLF team events because we love to hang with our fans, and be sure to grab a brand new DLF track jacket on the way into the bout!