What’s the significance of your derby name and number?
[VT] – VALTRON 3000, it’s spacey and combines my real name into a derby name, reminiscent of Hal from 2001. The name allows me to do the robot on the start line, and the announcers have a lot of fun with it. I prefer to go by Dr. Tron.
Do you have any bout-day rituals, habits, or superstitions? If so, what are they?
[VT] – Since this is my sixth season with RCRG, I don’t get too nervous anymore. I try to sleep in, have a good breakfast, and take my dog to the dog park since she will be stuck at home alone for so long during the bout and afterparty. I like to get on the track early and get a good warm up in to make sure all my equipment is working, then we usually sit around and wait for the doors to open. Once the fans start pouring in, my energy pumps up and I’m ready to hit the floor rolling.
What was the last thing you ate?
[VT] – Goat cheese on Triscuits.
What is your favorite thing about Roller Derby?
[VT]This is the first sport I’ve ever really excelled at and it allows me to be a rockstar in front of 5,000 fans. I have met some of the most amazing people through roller derby, and I am amazed by how this sport has grown over the past six years. Plus, I like being able to knock girls down and not apologize for it.
What is your favorite off-skates workout?
[VT] – Plyometrics with Krush Limbaugh! Any group excercise where someone is pushing me to work harder, I’m always more motivated with people around me.
At noon, a train leaves Seattle for Portland while another train leaves Portland for Seattle. It takes one train 4 hours and the other 7 hours to make the trip. Both maintain constant speeds and travel along parallel tracks. If you were on one of those trains, what kind of refreshing beverage would you be drinking in the dining car?
[VT] – Whiskey ginger.
Super sweet things said about VALTRON 3000:
“For all the great MMP work she’s done, and is STILL doing!”
“I heart her and her dedication to the league.”
“MMP is a beast, and she is a veteran who has already worked super hard in her years with the league, yet she stepped up anyway and is doing a stellar job of getting lots of people involved and making it MMP’s best year yet.”
“Kicked ass for green vs. white bout, and working overtime for MMP committee.”
“She is super at marketing and super helpful to the new people on that committee and puts in a tons of hours and is a Doctor.”
“She is one of the best skaters on Rat City, a true All-Star, she always keep calm, she’s funny, and the only person that can sport a Snugatron and Crocatrons and still look incredible. (not to talk about the black fannypack). She’s also doing a fantastic job with being the Marketing Manager and she was the one making the Green and White bout happening…”