Nine Inch Wheels


Derby history: Wheels began officiating in early 2007 with Classic City Roller Derby, in Athens, GA and joined Rat City Roller Derby in 2013. She is a Level 3 WFTDA Certified NSO.

With 18 years experience, Wheels has officiated numerous tournaments including WFTDA Playoffs, Regional Champs and Global Championships over the years as both an NSO and Tournament Head NSO. Wheels currently serves as the Chair of WFTDA Officiating Education.

Previous sports or other hobbies: Movies, movies, movies! Seeing live shows. Board Games. Pens & Inks.

Home: East Coast

When I’m not playing derby: I’m a professional Watson snuggler and belly rubber

Fun fact: Seen my favorite band live 32 times. Bet you can’t guess who they are.