Ginger Spite



Derby History: McLean County Missfits (Bloomington, IL): November 2010 – November 2013; Bellingham Roller Betties (Bellingham, WA): December 2013 – June 2017; Rat City Roller Derby: June 2017 – Present.
The wonderful thing about skating with many leagues is that I have so many life long friends, and there is always room in my heart for more.

Position: Blocker! (I may reluctantly, pushily, and shoutily jam very occasionally)

Previous Sports: Does theater count? I also dabbled in soccer, volleyball, fastpitch softball (they had to special order my batting helmet because my head was/is very large), swimming, and track and field (throwing the shotput – I don’t run.). I was not what you would call good at any of these sports. Roller Derby is the first sport that I wanted to work hard to be good at.

Injuries: Sprained MCL and partially torn PCL in March, 2011 (wear thick knee pads everyone!), broken tibia (two places at the tip) in January 2014, and multiple sprained ankles (usually from gameplay, but one was from dancing too hard at the afterparty)

Hometown: Ferndale, Washington

Profession: Elementary School Teacher (before that I was a lawyer)

Awards: I’ve won some MVPs. It was awesome, but as I have told the juniors I coach, MVPs aren’t the only way to know that you are doing well and being effective! I also was the winner of Best Boutfit in 2012!

Get Pumped-Up Song: “Mama Said Knock You Out” – LL Cool J; “Invincible” – Pat Benetar; and “The Warrior” – Scandal ft. Patty Smyth. Fine, fine – on bout day I also prance around my apartment in my boutfit to “My Strongest Suit” from “Aida” (the musical, not the opera).