Help us honor Ken Cluckey - a great fan and a great person.

Ken Cluckey and Rat Bastard (by Andria Houghton)

Rat City loses a special fan and Ballard loses a hero.

For the last bout of our 2011 season, RCRG wants you to show us your cans!  Please help us in remembering a long time fan of Rat City and volunteer at the Ballard Food Bank who recently passed away.  Ken Cluckey volunteered with the food bank for almost 20 years, and his two passions were volunteerism and watching live sports.  When RCRG began partnering with the Ballard Food Bank, he started attending bouts and fell in love with the sport and with the league.  To honor his memory, we want to make our food donation from this bout have a real impact.  So please, spread the word!  Tell your friends to bring a can or two and help us honor Kenny!

There will be a can/food collection table just inside each entrance of the Key Arena. Donate canned food or cash, receive special Rat City swag!

Thank you for continued support of the Rat City Rollergirls and the Ballard Food Bank.

For more information on Ken Cluckey see here.

Sunday, July 10, 2011

Derby Liberation Front vs. Sockit Wenches
Throttle Rockets vs. Grave Danger

Special half-time act by The Aerialistas!

Doors at 2:30 pm, opening ceremonies at 3:30 pm
