In a the Rat City Travel Teams’ June Boutstravaganza weekend, the All-Stars split wins against their South Central opponents and the Rain of Terror reigned supreme over their I-5 rivals in Everett. On Friday, the All-Stars chalked up a solid 139-81 win over the Atlanta Rollergirls’ Dirty South Derby Girls in a double header with Jet City Roller Girls, but on Sunday the team suffered a 155-123 loss at the hands of the Kansas City Roller Warrior All Stars. Kansas City and Atlanta are ranked #1 and #5, respectively, in the WFTDA South Central Region. Rain of Terror poured down the hurt on Jet City’s B-52s in a 207-56 romp.
The Rat City All-Stars Friday night win over Atlanta was a strong performance from the first whistle. With a few multiple-scoring-pass jams by Primp Daddy early on, Rat City built up a solid lead and didn’t let up. Heavy defense, and notably strong one-on-one blocking by Wile E. Peyote, Trouble Loves Mimi, and Shorty Ounce, kept the DSDG jammers stuffed– Atlanta was unable to put any points on the board in almost half the jams of the game. The Dirty South’s heavy defense, particularly led by Queen Loseyatefa and double-threat Merchant of Menace (also the team’s leading scorer of the night) definitely made the Rat City jammers earn every point they put up.
On Saturday, the Rain of Terror made the trip up 1-5 to play a double header with the Jet City Roller Girls, facing off against their secondary travel team, the B-52s. Rain of Terror came out on top with a 207-56 win. A couple of the new faces to the Rain of Terror had solid games: Lucinda Pack was a standout offensively and Quarterboy with heavy defense. This was the second full-length bout between the Rain of Terror and the B-52s this year– the B-52s came down to play the Rain of Terror in a “No Minors” WFTDA Rules beta test bout a few weeks ago, and RoT was victorious then: 157-36.
The Sunday morning game was the most nail-biting bout of the weekend. Rat City got off to an early lead with their primary jammers, Carmen Getsome, Primp Daddy, and Missile America getting lead in the first 6 jams, but it was a lot of nickel-and-diming– short jams, taking a few points and calling quickly. However, as soon as Kansas City was able to get lead jammer status, they were usually able to get at least a full scoring pass–making for a competitive run. On top of that, their wily jammers and effective pack work allowed them also able to capitalize on power jam opportunities with multiple passes. With five lead changes in the first 30 minutes, it was 64-62 at halftime, Rat City with a 2 point lead.
The second half started like the first with a pair of RCRG lead jam calls and quick passes, but KCRW was able to capitalize on a power jam, and then follow that with another lead jam call to get ahead once again. Both teams were in revolving-door penalty trouble and Rat City was within 5-20 points for most of the half. Only in the last few minutes, did Kansas City creep a little further away for their 32 point win. KC’s offense was led by the ever speedy Kelly Young and their defense by hard hitters like Annie Maul and Evolution.
Love your Rat City All-Stars and Rain of Terror skaters? Want to see them beat up on each other? Don’t miss our Season 7 Championship Bout on July 10! Get your tickets now!