Anne Smashaway



Derby History: After the great roller blade craze of ’97, I put skates on for the first time in 2010 with Assassination City Roller Derby in Dallas, TX. I played with La Revolucion, the Deadly Kennedy’s, and the league travel team DLSS/Conspiracy. When life brought me back home in 2013, I joined the ladies of Tilted Thunder Rail Birds to see what life was like on the bank. It was fun, but my heart was on the flat. I came to Rat in March of 2016, and joined the Machine in September.

Birthdate: 12/23

Position: After a few beers I’ve been known to call myself the Marshawn Lynch of roller derby.

Previous Sports: Swimming, Water Polo, Candy Crush, and eating burritos.

Injuries: Knock on wood, no broken bones from derby, but any time a I get a pedicure they remark on the state of my feet.

Hometown: The 253.

Profession: I’m a non-technical person who gets to train engineers to do technical things. Somehow it works.

Favorite Movie: I’m partial to a Precious and Blue Valentine double feature. Really perks up the spirit.

Awards: In high school I was voted “whose natural hair color you’ll never remember” and “most likely to become president of the United States.” I used to think I wasn’t qualified enough for the second one…

Get Pumped-Up Song: “Praying” -Ke$ha. I have no shame. Don’t you dare try to pour it on me.