August 2009 - Ima Handful

What’s the significance of your derby name and number?
[IH] – Just meet me, you’ll get it.

 Do you have any bout-day rituals, habits, or superstitions? If so, what are they?
[IH] –  Kill Bill Vol I and Bravo Pacinos.

What is your favorite off-skates workout?
[IH] – Watching David Cronenberg movies, does that count?
What was the last thing you ate?
 [IH] – A nice cold glass of seltzer water and lime.
At noon, a train leaves Seattle for Portland while another train leaves Portland for Seattle. It takes one train 4 hours and the other 7 hours to make the trip. Both maintain constant speeds and travel along parallel tracks. If you were on one of those trains, what kind of refreshing beverage would you be drinking in the dining car?  
[IH] – A nice cold glass of seltzer water and lime.

Ima Handful is our August Rollergirl of the Month! Never without a smile and a helping hand, Ima is always there for her fellow rollergirls. Some lovely things said about Miss Handful:

“She’s Pretty”

“She’s so positive, smart and funny! She works hard on and off the rink and gives a sh*t about everyone. She was super helpful in Denver to the Travel team and her family was just as awesome as her!”

“I heart IMA!!!” Congrats, Ima!
